Wednesday, October 13, 2010


quick update.

1) Weekend:

Sigma Chi mountain weekend was a BLAST!!! (That's a complete understatement, but I don't know how else to describe it). It might have topped all of the previous four mountain weekends I've been on!
me on the zip-line

Pi Pis at Mtn Weekend

2) Clemson:

I am disappointed that Clemson's football team is NOT doing as well as I'd hoped for my LAST semester. (At least I can still cheer Auburn on! War Eagle!)...And only 44 days until the Clemson v. Carolina game, where CLEMSON BETTER BE VICTORIOUS (just sayin')!!

But, I LOVE FALL in Clemson. It is absolutely stunning, breathtaking, incredible!


3) Interviews/Jobs:

   a) I had a GREAT lunch interview with Kieran at Interconex (one of the companies that would move me to Germany) in Greenville at High Cotton. An absolutely great interview with 3 courses! Who gets to start off their Friday's like that every week?

   b) I cancelled my second interview with Target. I just don't see myself there. Loved them, my interviewers, but it just didn't fit right.

   c) I am still waiting on scheduling a face-to-face with the other company (M.C. Dean) that would put me in Germany, probably interviewing in Charleston for Fall Break.

   d) I have an interview with UTi in Greenville a week from Friday!

   e) I have a second/lunch interview with Insight Global (IT staffing firm) the week before Fall Break in Atlanta, but tomorrow night I'm meeting up with the corporate recruiter in Clemson to get a few drinks and show him around downtown Clemson.

PHEW! I love interviewing and meeting people and networking! But man, this is exhausting! I've had one interview a week for 8 straight weeks now and it keeps going, which is GREAT!
I have to say, I am so BLESSED and THANKFUL for all of the help, advice, opportunities, referrals, recommendations, and offers. It has just been wonderful and SO encouraging.
Everyone knows I like to have a plan and I'd like to have a job offer signed/sealed/delivered at Thanksgiving/first week of December! Wouldn't that just be FAB?
For real, just think about this for a second, I could have a SIGNED JOB OFFER in 3-5 WEEKS! That is absolutely incredible to me.

4) Training is HARD! And I am behind schedule. 30 days left. Yikes! "Step it up, Widman!" (I need Coach Slepetz, Coach Bailey, or Franny to whip me straight!)

5) Classes are challenging. Especially when on my free days I'm interviewing and travelling which pretty much consumes my whole day.

I'm hoping for all As and a B...Hence why I'm spending some late nights in Cooper Library.

6) I love my friends. I miss my Charleston friends, I miss my old roommates, I miss my old PiPi sisters, but I am so blessed because we ALL keep in touch. I can't wait to see everyone again.

Old Roomies

Old ADPis

I know I will CRY at graduation. All the fifth years leaving. Leaving all my Sigma Chi boys. 4 1/2 years worth of great friendships. Whoa! Done talking about this. Can't cry typing. Need to study. Phew!

Me and Sigma Chis. Some fifth years.
(this should be a BudLight ad)

More Sigma Chi's at a Beach Party

Goodnight blogger world. Wish me luck on tests and interviews!

God bless,

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