Wednesday, December 19, 2012

big day!

Big Day tomorrow....

Wish me luck, say some prayers and stay tuned...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It's been a long time. It's not that I don't WANT to blog, it's that I forget or think of other more important things... or just can't decide on a topic.

Some days I don't blog because I'd rather go to happy hour.
Some days I'd rather just sit and catch up with my roommate or boyfriend.
Some days I just want to catch up on my shows.

How trivial and selfish I sound...

Recently I've read blogs about sorority sisters and friends from college who are married and are struggling with getting pregnant or staying pregnant. I can't imagine the pain and sadness they must be going through and how incredibly impressed I am by their strength and composure through it all. How hard that must be to mourn the loss of an unborn child because of a miscarriage, or the pain of multiple months of trying and multiple procedures and nothing. I can't imagine that and it makes me feel like the worries I have on a day-to-day basis are so, so MINOR.

I am impressed, no, down right blown away, inspired, and awed by the strength of these women.
It's still one of those taboo subjects, infertility, that no one talks about. It's more common that we think, than I thought. These women have complete faith that this is what God intended for them and their family and they still pray and rely completely and totally on what God gives them. I pray that they will find support groups and that this topic becomes less taboo than it is now.

I've never once considered that I might have difficulty getting or staying pregnant. Honestly, right now, I am more worried that I'll wait too long to get married and have trouble getting pregnant because of my age. These women are in their late-20s. I've just assumed it would come easy to healthy women at that age. Because it is a rarely talked about subject, this was clearly my naive impression and it is clearly not the case.

I pray for these women and all the women that have had, will have, continue to have problems with infertility. In the future (Mom and Dad, don't worry, wayyyy far away), I pray to not have struggles with pregnancy, but if I do, if God intends that for me and my husband, I hope I am half as strong and as inspiring as these women.

God Bless Them. God Bless Mothers.
Happy Mother's Day.